2 min read

How to choose your friends wisely?

How to choose your friends wisely?
Photo by Whoisbenjamin / Unsplash

The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle is made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

First, we will talk about three types of friends you should avoid:

  1. He/She is usually sadder than you - I want you to avoid complaining and miserable people from your life. Almost every friend I have is either equally as happy as me or more. Miserable people drag you down to their own level rather than elevating to your level. Naval Ravikant says in one of his podcasts - 'Not being happy is very inefficient'. I want you to think about it.
  2. He/She is having a bad relationship with money - If a friend of yours asks you for money once or twice, it is fine. But if he/she regularly asks you for money then it is a red flag. Monitor how long it goes on and if it goes on for a very long time, then mission abort! Such people are not taking steps to improve their lives and their habits + priorities are fucked up.
  3. Someone who responds emotionally to situations - It is high time that we hang out with people who have more wisdom than us. There is a beautiful saying which goes like this - 'A smart person knows what to say. A wise person knows whether to say it or not.'

Now, we will talk about three types of friends that you should have:

  1. You get impressed by him/her - I have a lot of friends who have an X factor in them but there is a friend I'd like to talk about in particular. His name is Vijay Vikram. A guy who keeps his body fit all year is amazingly skillful at football and has a strong mind. Last week he said something amazing to me over a phone call. He said - 'If you want to know whether you overestimate or underestimate yourself, do one thing. Write your weekly goals and see if you achieved them. If you did, then you underestimate yourself and you are capable of doing a lot more. But if you don't, then you overestimate yourself and you need to humble yourself. How amazing!
  2. Is disciplined - 'Be disciplined' sounds very vague these days but I know a lot of people who always talk about the end goal & never talk about the process of how they would reach there. I want you to be close to people who are disciplined not only when their day job requires them to be, but they are disciplined in all areas of life. Ask yourself - 'How many of my friends are disciplined about something and in what areas?'
  3. Has good family values - It's important to be close to people who treat their family with lots of love and care. After all, family is everything. (I know I sound like Vin Diesel lol). Carefully see how many of your friends are providing something to their family or they are just taking something from their families. Be close to the creator mentality and avoid the consumer mentality.


Kunal. xxx.