2 min read

Get out!

Get out!
Photo by Whoisbenjamin / Unsplash

I'll tell you why you should never live a comfy life.

A lot of my friends are going through mentally tough times. I believe that the pandemic has had a weird impact on our society. Working from home used to be a luxury but who knew that one day, it will be the reason why so many of us would need a break from our partners.

When you spend all day, week and month closed in your apartment with the same people, it feels overwhelming and your energy feels low. Of course, nutrition also plays a huge part in how you feel but I am strictly talking about the mental aspect here.

When we all had to take the bus, or metro, or ride a car to the office, we used to think 'Oh man, when could I just simply work from home?'. We didn't realize that we were asking for the wrong thing! Instead, we should have been asking ourselves a completely different question - 'How can I live more intentionally?' It simply means having a job/business which gives you leverage. For example - If your job is a very repetitive job like making a coffee for customers as a Barista, you cannot make it 2x or 4x faster if you want it to. Right? If you like making coffee for a living, feel free to ignore what I'm about to say. But if you want to have a change, you must look for a job that either makes you happy or you could potentially finish your work quicker with the help of automation or code.

In simple words - A good software engineer can finish his job within 2 hours whereas a shitty engineer would take 10 hours to do the same job. But if 2 Baristas have to make 200 coffees each, there won't be a huge difference in the time they'll finish their job.

Think about it.

You must always challenge the status quo and never feel satisfied. Being satisfied simply means that you are happy with what somebody is giving you and that you are leaving your future in their hands. I used to be the biggest procrastinator in the world but here I am writing an article for possibly 1 person or maybe a million people! Who knows? The key word is: 'Leverage'.

You have to choose a path of earning your freedom and relentlessly do the boring, repetitive stuff to get out of the misery you are in. How long will you only be planning without taking action? Yes, I am talking to all of you 20-45-year-olds who are stuck in your day job. You complain more than you contribute. You consume more than you create! Yet you have the audacity to ask more from life? lol. Choose a path of your freedom and go earn it! If you don't have an idea, look for it.

Naval Ravikant says - 'Think about something that feels like a play to you, but feels like work to others.'

Go be yourself for god sake but try to earn some money outside your job. I am embarking on this journey to be financially independent, so pack your bags and come with me. I will be with you every week here with something new and useful.


Kunal. xxx.