2 min read

How To Steal Someone's Art

How To Steal Someone's Art

Messi said - "My hero was Maradona, I used to copy his moves."

Kobe Bryant said - "I used to replicate the moves of my heroes every single day."

Even the bible says - "There is nothing new under the sun."

What do all the three examples above have in common? The answer is - "Nothing is original!"

In his book "Steal Like an Artist," Austin Kleon challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding creativity. Rather than emphasizing the need for entirely original ideas, Kleon argues that true creativity often emerges from a process of borrowing, remixing, and transforming existing concepts.

At its core, "Steal Like an Artist" encourages aspiring creatives to embrace influence rather than shy away from it. Kleon advocates for a mindset shift: rather than feeling pressured to generate entirely novel ideas, allow yourself to be inspired by the work of others. From writers to painters to musicians, every artist builds upon the foundation laid by those who came before them.

Inspiration is everywhere

One of Kleon's key principles is the concept of "remixing" — taking existing ideas and combining them in new and unexpected ways. By doing so, artists can create something that feels fresh and innovative while still drawing upon familiar elements.

Moreover, Kleon emphasizes the importance of curating your influences deliberately. In the age of the internet, we have access to an endless array of artistic works from across the globe. By actively seeking out diverse sources of inspiration, artists can enrich their creative palette and develop a unique voice.

However, Kleon is quick to clarify that "stealing" does not mean outright plagiarism. Rather, it involves acknowledging and honoring your influences while adding your own unique perspective to the mix. It's about building upon the work of others rather than simply imitating it.

Ultimately, "Steal Like an Artist" offers a refreshing perspective on creativity—one that encourages artists to embrace their influences, remix ideas, and forge their own path in the creative landscape. By learning to steal like an artist, we can unlock new realms of possibility and unleash our full creative potential.

So go ahead, borrow liberally, remix fearlessly, and discover the boundless possibilities that await when you embrace the art of stealing. After all, as Kleon reminds us, "Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination."

See you next week.

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