3 min read

22.01.2023.Make Gifts for People.

22.01.2023.Make Gifts for People.
Photo by Il Vagabiondo / Unsplash

I have 20 subscribers from 6 different countries now and it feels like I am in the right direction. So without further ado, let's begin this week's newsletter.

A Quote that I'm pondering -

If you do not want to be like this at 40 - 50 - 60 years old, do not be like this today!

- Unknown

I asked Chat-GPT 'How to earn 50$ online every day' -

If anyone of you is looking for ways to earn that extra cash, try these surveys out and let me know if it works. Let's see how accurate Chat-GPT's info is.

Twitter thread that I've read about 20 times this week -

This Twitter thread is literally all you need to know about making money. Just a small background, Naval is one of the only few geniuses left in this world and I really want everyone reading this to check out his work.

Each tweet he makes is a long discussion in itself. For example, look at this -

Now think about Airbnb. Airbnb provided people with something that people wanted but they didn't even know they wanted it! Everybody only knew about hotels back then. Airbnb provided society with what they wanted but didn't know how to get 😉

I'd love to have a discussion about this Twitter thread with you.

Book I'm re-reading -

It is 'Keep Going by Austin Kleon'

A great read for upcoming creators

This book is filled with tips and tricks to keep you in a flow state of creativity. A small paragraph from the book - 'Who are you trying to impress? - If you get lucky one day and a big audience shows up for what you do, chances are there will be only a handful of people whose opinion means anything to you, so you might as well identify those people now, make gifts for them, and keep making gifts for them.

You never know when a gift made for a single person will turn into a gift for the whole world. Consider how many bestselling stories began their life as bedtime stories for special children. A. A. Milne made up Winnie-the-Pooh for his son, Christopher Robin Milne. C. S. Lewis convinced J. R. R. Tolkien to turn the fantastical stories he told his children into The Hobbit. The list goes on and on. Making gifts puts us in touch with our gifts.'

A small promise I need from you -

Could you all take 10 minutes of your time only for yourself, away from family, away from friends, away from the phone, away from the laptop, and create/write/draw/film something and send me? Literally, anything you can create.

Everything you can imagine is real - Picasso

That's it from me this week. I love you all!

Kunal. xx.