3 min read

5 Productive Ways To Find Meaningful Work

5 Productive Ways To Find Meaningful Work

I have been researching ways to shift my perspective because we act based on our current knowledge. We should always challenge our current beliefs and change them occasionally if required.

Whether you are looking to change your job or you are currently jobless, this is for you.

Here are 5 ideas about finding the right job that will change the way you think -

Staying fit and sleeping enough during the job hunt

Yes, it sounds simple but it's not. When I didn't have a job and I was applying to a lot of openings for a whole month, it was stressful. I was not sleeping enough, not exercising, and eating junk food.

Something had to change! I realized that the world does not seem positive when I am sleep-deprived. Not drinking enough water, being dehydrated, and sitting on the laptop were also among other factors affecting my mood. So I started cutting down on sugar, exercising regularly, and I started giving myself a break from applying to different positions all day. This break allowed me to do more focused work when I actually sat down to apply.

Somebody wants you for sure!

You might be thinking of many reasons why you keep getting rejected. Those reasons could be - 'I am overweight' or 'I am not smart enough' or 'I am not presentable' or 'I am a foreigner' etc etc, the list goes on. But you cannot possibly have a problem that prevents EVERY EMPLOYER from hiring you! Some employers out there want you and your role in this job search is to find them!

There are organizations like JailstoJobs.org that help former prisoners land a job, so please do not take your own job hunt too seriously 🙂

You will get a good job sooner or later. Have faith.

You know that you waste time.

Studies have shown that most people spend hours searching 'Hot Jobs' on Glassdoor, Indeed, and Linkedin i.e. the jobs that are currently paying really well like - Restaurant Managers, Software Engineers, Nursing Managers, Product Managers, etc. Now, how many of the skills required in these jobs do you actually have?

This is why it is important to know exactly who you are, what kind of work you would thrive in, and who needs your unique set of skills.

Use the flower exercise to know who you are before you apply for jobs.

Here is the flower petal exercise from the book 'What Color is Your Parachute?', written by Richard N. Bolles.

Let's say you are an Accountant. Forget about who you are and what your title is. Just focus on completing this flower and you will get direction to go to. Instead of applying for any position that you see online, completing this exercise will help you answer where you should be headed.

You are a person, not a job! First, find out who you are.

It's crucial to note that on each petal of the flower, you have to write in order from most important to least important. This way, when you secure a new job, you will know that you are getting at least 2-3 items that were of utmost importance to you. How? Because you wrote them down.

Cool Websites to help you with your job search.

a.) Meetup.com - Here you can meet similar-minded people to discuss achieving the same goal. You may set up a short group to achieve a goal within your interest and people will come to help you.

b.) Freelancer.com - Here, you can work in any job that you can think of. There is at least part-time work here, which is just for you.

c.) TaskRabbit.com - If you are good with home repairs, helping people move, heavy furniture lifting, writing, basically anything, then you may make a profile here and people will hire you to do that work.

d.) JobHuntersBible.com - This is the website of the man himself. The author of the legendary book I mentioned above. Here you will find lots of resources and new ways to go for a job search.

That's it from me this week. See you all next week.

© 2023 Kunal Dutt.