1 min read

Reading For the Sake of it?

Reading For the Sake of it?
Photo by 2Photo Pots / Unsplash

It doesn't matter how many books you've read. What matters is how much you remember from those books. Many people read a great book to completion only once to never touch it again.

I personally like to read slowly, think deeply when I come across an interesting paragraph, take notes, and really apply that knowledge to my life.

One thing you probably didn't think about. Here it is - 'It also matters at what point of time you read a particular book!' To explain, here's an example. Imagine you're thinking of starting a blog or a Youtube channel and you read Austin Kleon's book 'Show Your Work'. That would be a perfect time to read that book. On the other hand, reading such a book without plans to start a creative business would not impact you significantly.

Go back to the great books you've read and re-read them!

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