2 min read



Imagine that you suddenly have to take responsibility for your parents and a younger sister, you would be overwhelmed. When you think of the word 'Responsibility', it automatically feels like a burden or pressure to take some action.

Well, it is none of that.

Let's rewind a little and understand what this word means. It simply means your ability to respond. Hence, the word -  'Response-ability'. If you tell yourself - 'I am responsible', you will have the ability to respond to any situation. If you tell yourself - 'I am not responsible', you won't be able to respond.

If you take responsibility for a task, you will find ways to come up with a solution. And once you are seldom in this mode of taking responsibility and making things happen, you will become a go-to person for other people to look up to. Someone who is responsible and has no insecurities.

If awful things have happened to you in your childhood, you should have become wiser. But so many people become mentally damaged. They blame everyone and everything else for their depression but not themselves.

Imagine a scenario where you see a small puppy on the road who is alone and need help. If you take responsibility, you can either adopt him. You may either ask your friends if anyone wants him. You may post on your social media asking if someone is interested in adoption. Or you can visit a nearby dog shelter and give the puppy to them.

But if you do not take any responsibility, you will not do anything. This simply means, that when you take responsibility, there are many options & when you do not take any responsibility, you will do nothing. Now just think - What is freedom? To have a million options or to have none?

Have you seen those people who blame something from their past as the reason for their misery? It goes like this - 'When I was little, my parents used to fight' or 'I was bullied as a kid' or 'My parents didn't do enough for me' or 'My husband left me' etc, etc. The same old stories that blame either other people or circumstances.

Once you realize that you are responsible for everything you have, how good you are at your job, how happy you are, how much money you have, and how fit you are, you will respond and change your life.

Going to a gym for 1 hour gives you more energy than being on your phone for 1 hour.

Not touching your phone 1 hour before you sleep, gives you a more peaceful sleep.

An hour before 9:00 am for yourself is worth 2 hours after 5:00 pm.

The only difference between you and your idol is that he took responsibility for everything in his life.

So tell me now, what responsibility are you taking? 🙂

That's it from me this week.

© 2023 Kunal Dutt.