2 min read

You Need a Dopamine Detox Urgently

You Need a Dopamine Detox Urgently

What exactly is a dopamine? - In simple words, it is just a neurotransmitter in your brain and it plays a huge part in how you feel, your motivation levels, how pleasurable you feel and your ability to concentrate and learn.

Everyone has a base-line of dopamine. If your baseline is a bit high, you will notice you are a bit more motivated than people around you. If your baseline is lower, you will see that you're less motivated than people around you.

When you engage in activities which increase your dopamine levels twice or more, you're doing yourself more harm than you think. For example activities like; sex, gambling, playing video games, drinking, consuming nicotine, endlessly scrolling on social media, doing drugs, watching porn and eating chocolates spike your dopamine level upto two times or more! That is why right after you finish doing these activities, you feel like shit because the dopamine goes 2x higher than the baseline but after you finish, it also goes 2x lower than the baseline.

You can increase the baseline of your dopamine by not engaging in such activities all the time. Some of the things you can do are:

  1. Do not listen to music while working out. It feel feel boring for the first week but later on, you will not need music.
  2. Start sleeping on time and keep do not touch your phone for an hour before sleep and an hour after you wake up.
  3. Do a social media detox for a week. Go away from all social media for a while. Don't worry, nothing will happen if you won't check your notifications for a while.
  4. Stop eating outside. Try it for 2 weeks.
  5. Seek sunlight and exercise daily.

When you engage in activities that spike up your dopamine all week, you should also engage in activities which are boring.

If you watch something while eating food - Try not watching anything for one meal.

If you don't go on walks without your phone - Try going on a long only with your thoughts.

If you spend a lot of time on your phone - Delete all the time wasting apps for a weekend and see what happens.

If you eat something sugary everyday - Try going 3-4 days without any sugar.

This will help to increase the baseline of your dopamine and help you choose better activities to engage in.

You will soon see that you will be able to pay more attention, get more work done, are happier and healthier mentally and physically!

Stay strong my fellow warriors! 😉

See you next week.

© 2023 Kunal Dutt.