2 min read

Why You Should Give A Fuck About Copywriting

Why You Should Give A Fuck About Copywriting

I can guarantee that your mind will be blown after learning this simple but extremely effective skill that delivers results like Cristiano Ronaldo on the football pitch.

What exactly is Copywriting? It is a proven process of using specific words to make things sell better. In other words, getting people to take action.

Whether you have a job or you're applying for a job. Whether you have a business or you want to open a business, you need to have copywriting skill in your arsenal. Your CV needs an eye-catching language, the emails you send should be perfect & authentic. Even your business cards/social media posts require fail-proof and world-class writing.

I will also show you a super cool example of what good copywriting does to an advertisement towards the end of this blog.

So where should you start?

In the beginning you should familiarize yourself with Power Words. These carefully chosen words aim to evoke strong emotions and seize the audience's attention.

You may use a Headline Analyzer to check the score of your headlines before publishing any blog or an article.

Once you have finished what you wanted to write, you can just copy-paste it in the Hemingway App and you will find tips on the sentences you should write better.

All readers have a mindset of WIIFM (What's in it for me?). Anybody searching for furniture, used cars, garden equipment, or cat food is always thinking - 'What this product or service can do for me on a personal level?

Let's look at a bad example of an advertisement for a gym -

Here, they are using too much of 'We' language. We're the best, we're this, we're that blah blah

Here's a better example of the same gym -

Here you'll see the use of 'You' language. A person reading this feels like they're talking to him.

I can only explain you so much in this short blog. If you want to start learning copywriting, let me know and I will recommend you some courses I personally took that have helped me.

While applying for jobs, we have to sell ourselves the best way possible and in business we have to sell our services to increase profit.

Let's start writing better so we can sell well and beyond.

© 2023 Kunal Dutt.